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Inspiring all to excellence

Trust Equality Objectives

Objective 1

Undertake an analysis of recruitment data and trends regarding race, disability or any gender pay gap, and report on this to the Trust Board.

Why we have chosen this objective: we wish to establish our commitment to equality ensuring we actively recruit from those who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.  On our Trust Board, we also wish to have representation from the widest range of backgrounds adding a depth and richness to this vital group.

To achieve this objective, we plan to: collect data from each staff member recruited and undertake an analysis of this reporting on this to the Trust Board termly.  We will also extend this approach to the recruitment of members of the Trust Board proactively seeking Trustees from the widest spectrum.

Objective 2

Have in place a reasonable adjustment agreement for all staff with disabilities, to better meet their needs and ensure that any disadvantages they experience are appropriately addressed.

Why we have chosen this objective: we wish to demonstrate our commitment to equality ensuring any required adaptations for staff who are disabled are identified and implemented so any disadvantages are appropriately mitigated. 

To achieve this objective, we plan to:  sensitively and regularly remind staff of our obligations developing Trust-wide and personalised Risk Assessments as required.  The Trust will take a proactive approach to reducing workload and promoting a positive work-life balance engaging with local and national initiatives.

Objective 3

Promote cultural understanding and awareness, valuing and celebrating a diverse range of cultures and religious beliefs including those amongst different ethnic groups within our communities.

Why we have chosen this objective: we wish to ensure a curriculum and ethos that embraces diversity, celebrating equality and promoting British Values exists in each of the academies that are part of the Fierté family.

To achieve this objective, we plan to: ensure curriculum planning places diversity as a key principle at its core, for example, through the canon of literature children are exposed to in and outside of English lessons.  Opportunities such as Black History Month and community events will be capitalised on.  Assembly themes will reflect a diverse range of cultures and backgrounds.  Links will be made with parents/carers, the local and wider community to maximise opportunities to raise awareness of equality and diversity.  Staff will receive training to confidently respond to any occurrences of discrimination taking necessary action in line with Trust policies and procedures.

Objective 4

Carefully monitor the progress and achievement of pupils against relevant and appropriate protected characteristics.

Why we have chosen this objective: this will ensure that groups and individual pupils are fulfilling their potential, any issues are rapidly identified and addressed.

To achieve this objective, we plan to: analyse and evaluate all data as it becomes available devising appropriate strategies for any underachieving groups or individuals as appropriate.  Subsequently, identifying the impact of any adaptations implemented and making any further amendments in approach as necessary.